So You Are Actually Reading These!
Hello friends!

I had a free moment so I thought I'd blog some random thoughts.

Just five more days until I am able to get back to work on the album. I can't wait! Hopefully, not long after that Jimmy will be able get back to it also. I have been busy with family activities and company, as well as various things that needed taking care of on a personal level. Professionally, even though I haven't physically been working - I haven't been able to stop thinking about it and working on things in my mind, nonetheless.

I have gotten some rest though and in the process I've had a lot of personal insights into everything that we're doing and everything that I personally want to do. Sometimes quiet reflection without being in the middle of it all really gives you clarity on everything. As I suspected, the break was a very good thing for me both personally and professionally even if it is virtually impossible to get myself to really let go and not focus on the "career". It's something that no matter where I am and what I'm doing that is always on my mind. It never goes away. 24/7 365 days a year.

A few days after the break started I was having some thoughts on the record we're making, as well as other plans that are in motion and what I feel is on the horizon. We have talked a lot about this magical and almost surreal thing that is happening with this record and all of the great songs that have seemingly been transmitted to us, almost like some sort of gift from the universe. Make no mistake about it, what we talk about is real. Including the chemistry. Success is within grasp.

Success is something defined by each individual, much like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I have my own definition of it, Jimmy has his and so on. Collectively we'll experience this together as we go, as well as achieving personal milestones that are unique experiences unto ourselves individually.

Some amazing things certainly have happened along the way so far, for which we are both extremely grateful.
There is so much more to do and I am more than ready to do it! I know Jimmy is of the same mindset. . .

Having said that in various ways many times over and knowing that is the tone and general theme here -
No matter how good the record actually is, It's not lost on us that when this album finally reaches you that you're reaction could very well be - So, nothing special! lol
 In this day and age that would not surprise me in the least, but I can tell you that if this album doesn't speak to certain people on a mass level, then nothing new ever will again.

No, not everyone is gonna like it.  It's not heavy enough, it's not this, that, or whatever reason they may have. Those people will be irrelevant.  All that will matter (Other than what we think) is that we find our audience, because they are definitely out there. The only task is to connect those people with this music. The rest will work itself out.
Musically, I believe this record is right in the sweet spot. A place that has the most potential for mass appeal and longevity.

We are extremely grateful for all who have become fans of ours so far. You are more than friends, you are family in the world of 'Walking Tall'. As cliche as that sounds, it is a sincere statement.

This whole time I've often wondered if anyone was still following these postings and if the objective of the idea to do them in the first place was being met.  I keep getting personal messages from people who seem to really be enjoying reading whatever it is that we have to say. It's amazing to me anyone would care, but it is part of the whole package, so I am happy to do it. There's always something happening and things to talk about, but sometimes I still have nothing to say about anything. Sometimes I have too much to say.

There is a duality to my personality that no one can predict, even myself! (You're free to try!) lol
I can be the most outgoing person who will talk your ear off one second, who has something to say about everything and the next second, I can be the quietest person you've ever met with nothing to say about anything and no opinions. It's kind of strange and it depends on this daily tug of war within myself whether I'll post anything on a particular day, or not. It's a constant coin toss with myself of sharing on one side and who cares!? on the other. It certainly helps to know that people are in fact reading and enjoying it. Thank you!!!

I hope all is well with everyone.

I'll talk to you again next week with studio progress to report on . . .

- Bret.


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