Some Introspective Thought (Or Just What Kept Me Awake Last Night!) . . .

It's certainly tough trying to make a living in the music business these days. Not only is it hard on the record sales front, but touring isn't very profitable anymore either as there's too much supply for there to be a demand at the moment. We all know the many issues the industry has. Sometimes I wonder why we even bother trying to do it anymore at all, then I remember - Because it's just who we are and what we do. The industry and outside world doesn't and won't dictate to us what we do, or don't do, how we feel, or don't feel. Whether we sell 2 records or 200 million records, we'll be the same guys, doing the same things. Always striving to be better. Always striving for that connection to the listener. I'd take a handful of true fans and friends over a million indifferent, fickle ones any day!

I don't worry too much about the state of the industry. I just figure that if we deliver a better product and live show then it will all work itself out. Changes in the industry will come and go. We're not interested in instant award winning success that disappears as fast as it came and is then forgotten anyway. We're far more concerned with longevity, Integrity and legacy.

Remember as they say - It's not the destination, but the journey that matters.
What's most important to us is people who want to take that journey with us, along with the ones who we've already traveled quite a distance with. Our main goal as a unit is to bring music back to a place where the songs are the most important part. Where the musicians and performances are real and not aided solely by technology, but by talent. Where it's not how many notes you can cram into the next 30 seconds, but where sincerity and feeling and melody further convey the songs topic.

Jimmy and I have both written and played a lot of different types of music in our careers. After many different style changes through the years you reach a point where you ask yourself - What am I doing and why? What will have the most longevity? What will have the most mass appeal? What do we do the best? What do we enjoy the most and can see ourselves still performing in twenty years? What type of stuff will people still enjoy listening to in say 30 years? What will have the most meaning in the end?

Even if you can write and play any type of music out there fairly easily (And we certainly can), you realize that you still cannot be all things to all people. You have to pick something and stick with that. The obvious choice is something that comes completely natural without even thinking about it. Something opposite of what anyone else is doing, or what is popular at the moment. Something unique, yet familiar at the same time. Something relatable and memorable. Everything that Jimmy and I are individually put together is 'Walking Tall' and it is definitely unique and rare.

The first two records were your introduction to us individually. Who we were at that time and where we came from just prior to this. "Life Happens Here" will be your first introduction to who we are together.
It's nothing like the first two records and what will be most evident is the chemistry that Jimmy and I have together. Not to mention that we've both grown leaps and bounds individually since those records. We're better people, better musicians, better songwriters and definitely better together. The funny thing is - The success I believe we're gonna soon see could've come a lot sooner had we decided to get together 30 years ago. Yes, we've known each other about that long!

I like to think that this record we're currently making is the record that the world doesn't know it's been waiting for . . .

- Bret


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