My, How We Have Grown...
When Bret and I decided to get busy on the next Walking Tall CD, we thought we would have just 30 songs and probably 10 stellar songs. As it turns out - 40+, we are growing as song writer and the constant working, writing, rewriting combined with the never ending dedication to our love of music...Who knew that the songs were that good? When they begin as ideas, then acoustic guitar structures and then eventually, melodies, with skeletons of "Big Sounding" productions, you can't help but smile.
There are times we question the "Wood-Shedding" process and then when you start to see where the finish product is going, well, that's progress. Bret is in a creative zone right now! He's pumping out the tunes as well as working overtime to make sure everything has merit, We have a long way to go but when you start listening to each song and the message, you know with complete certainty, we got these songs right! I can wait for each recording session as well as each new song we right to breathe its first breath and eventually take on a life of its own. The theme of this record really fits - "Life Happens Here" is epic in scope as well as content. You can hear the maturity in the songs but even more so you can listen to the songs over and over and enjoy the music without hesitation. Viola!
WT-2016 - Walking Tall is Bret and myself and at this moment but we are getting phone calls from publicists, labels, promoters and booking agencies. That has to be the sounds of our next chapter on the horizon - Stay tuned, there is lots of adventure calling. The sounds of the crowd's just ahead!
- Jimmy - My 2.0002 Cents for the day :-)
There are times we question the "Wood-Shedding" process and then when you start to see where the finish product is going, well, that's progress. Bret is in a creative zone right now! He's pumping out the tunes as well as working overtime to make sure everything has merit, We have a long way to go but when you start listening to each song and the message, you know with complete certainty, we got these songs right! I can wait for each recording session as well as each new song we right to breathe its first breath and eventually take on a life of its own. The theme of this record really fits - "Life Happens Here" is epic in scope as well as content. You can hear the maturity in the songs but even more so you can listen to the songs over and over and enjoy the music without hesitation. Viola!
WT-2016 - Walking Tall is Bret and myself and at this moment but we are getting phone calls from publicists, labels, promoters and booking agencies. That has to be the sounds of our next chapter on the horizon - Stay tuned, there is lots of adventure calling. The sounds of the crowd's just ahead!
- Jimmy - My 2.0002 Cents for the day :-)
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