Facebook Marketing - How Much Is My Time Worth?
Tuesday, November 11th, 2019
Why has Facebook become so “All Consuming” of our time? What is the value of our time?
According to Facebook, they know and control all our “Friends” really want to see or hear from us on our posts. Facebook allowed us all to invite our friends and family to gather in a single place then changed the algorithm to only allow us to reach a portion of our audience that had previously allow us to reach all followers using the platform without paying. I can’t help but feel as though this was the plan from the start. Bring us in, invite friends family and acquaintances to our conversation and then pull the rug out from under us all. Then, after all of us helped them build this massively scaled platform, they charge us to reach the very folks who helped them build up the platform. This is the age old “Bait & Switch” methodology and is reminiscent of a drug dealer offering free samples only to later charge you for that very thing. In the end, it was previously a game changer for those of us looking for a level playing field at a cost we could afford to pay with no barrier to entry. We have to ask the question again, “What is the value of my time?”. The true value for most is the entertainment value of memes, jokes, video and music. Trust me when I say “My time is too valuable” to try and live in the Facebook marketing world 🌎. So when I could pay a pro for far less effort and greater reward, why bother? Why play along then? Ask a record company that very question and you might be surprised to find that the record industry thinks “Engagement” is the true value of the act. No engagement means no one truly give a rats behind about what it is you do? Is that true? Or have we all grown so numb to the deluge of everything being fed to us in our social media feeds? They have control. Let that sink in for a minute. Unplug the book of face, go face to face, plug in to people, read a book or just simply unplug. Find joy in the simple things again when you realize the social media fix won’t tide you over anymore. Digital overlay in this analog world will drain your senses of reality. Buh bye Facebook in 2020 because our vision has once again been restored to see 20/20 in this overcrowded social media world. Population, minus me.... rear view town.
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