Mid Week Update . . .

Things have been going well, so far this week.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday I had a writing streak that wouldn't quit. I couldn't do no wrong it seemed and couldn't shut it off either.  Sunday night I woke at about 3:30 am and had to run out into another room to write idea's down, four times. I ended up writing three quarters of a song called "Wounded". The title was brought to me by Jimmy last week. He arrived saying that "Wounded" would be a great title for a song to write. We've discussed that subject many times from many different angles based on the wounds that life and love can sometimes bring, and the scars they can leave. After letting that simmer within' myself for a few days - Saturday out it came and boy was it ever good.

Mondays and Wednesdays  are when we've been holding evening meetings lately. Co-writing sessions, production and business meetings have been being held on those days.
When Jimmy arrived on Monday we had a great time working on all these ideas. He came up with an absolutely great bridge for "Wounded", so now that song is ready for the record list. . .

Also, this week I sent a message to our friend Frankie Sullivan about finally writing together, so I'm waiting for his reply. Hopefully he has the time and is ready to do it. We are!
I've still got to call Andre though. Maybe next Tuesday for that . . .

Jimmy should be getting his system back up in the next couple of days. Mine is doing well, aside from a minor problem I'm troubleshooting. We have both ordered some new things for our respective studios that should be here by weeks end. It never ends, there's always something . . .

Tonight we are due for a writing session and meeting here in about ten minutes. Let's see what we can accomplish together tonight. The rest of the week will be spent recording and tweaking the studio . . .

Until next time . . .




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