Where Have You Been? 

Some unknown force wants this record to take awhile, I guess . . .
Meanwhile, 'Life Happens Here', there, everywhere, except for this blog!

Time for an update . . . 


Well, hello there!

I'm happy to report that the album is in full blown production at this point. There have been delays, adversity, changes, progress and as you might have guessed with us - Even more great new songs to choose from for the record. I know it's been awhile since we updated you on what's going on here, but rest assured we never stopped. We've been in the thick of it and not finding much time for anything else. That combined with everything life throws at you from day to day makes time a precious commodity.

We were laughing the other day about this album taking so long, that we might end up in a 'GnR Chinese Democracy' situation. Or more probably closer to the band 'Boston' where our uncompromising vision will not be rushed (Yeah, that's it!). However you decide to look at it - Good things take time and the best things are worth the wait.

On the other hand - Yes, we did start this whole process a year and a half ago with a plan of basically 4 parts: Writing. Demoing. Recording the whole album once ourselves just to solidify our vision and then  record the whole thing yet again with a producer (Just for extra good measure that it would be truly great!).

We haven't been in the studio this whole time - as I said there have been breaks and delays. But as I have also said, there's always something going on even if we're not talking about it. Often when we're not saying anything is when the biggest things are happening. Some we'll mention and some we cannot talk about until they are solidified.There's no worse feeling than getting excited and talking about something that for whatever reason doesn't work out in the end, then feeling like a fool cause you mentioned it. Welcome to the music business!
In any case, we have been busy . . .

So much for plans . . . For the extremely adventurous - Keep reading, I'll try to break it all down;

The situation has actually played out more like this: Writing, Demoing, Equipment failure. . . Writing, Demoing, Equipment failure. . . Other assorted delays. . . Recording, Writing, Recording, Equipment Failure. . . Break . . . Writing, Recording, Mental breakdown, Recording, Another mental breakdown, Break . . . Writing, Recording, Equipment failure. . . Recording, Break. . . Sickness. . . Even more delays. . . Writing, Recording and  . . . You guessed it - Equipment failure!  So it goes . . . And that's just the music part!

No kidding! And that's about how it all looks abbreviated. It's really not exaggerated either, as funny as it may be. (Business is a whole other circus show that's been ongoing throughout as well, but that's another book). Also, you must remember - Aside from the drums and a couple of writing partners, there is only two guys making this record - Jimmy and I. Once you hear it you'll understand what a feat that actually was.
There's no virtual anything on this record. No auto tune. No cheating. Just a guest drummer and two guys writing and actually playing everything for real. There is a lot of parts on this record. A whole lot of work. . .

Jimmy and I have both had things in our personal lives that have delayed us more times than we can count. Life just doesn't stop happening does it? If it does, you're in trouble!  It's one thing after another it seems, like some unknown force wants this to take awhile. I hope there's a good reason for it in the end. Progress continues and morale is high in spite of curve balls being thrown at us constantly and aside from both of our systems crashing and needing repair every other week. Then there was the break for the holidays of course. I hope all of yours were safe and happy! . . . Ours were wonderful, thank you!

Unfortunately for me, burning the candle at both ends I ended the year and started the first month of the new year sicker than I have ever been. First, after getting really run down I started with the worst cold ever, then followed it with the worst flu ever, then a sinus infection followed by a bad ear infection. Then medication that made me sicker than all of them put together! That tortured me for an additional week (I had a bad reaction). One thing right after another. Then (Believe it or not!) I had a dental emergency that needed immediate attention. My friends - Never ask yourself or state at any time - "What else could happen?" Because it will show you! Yes, I did make that mistake and part way through it all I made that statement to jimmy, then wham! in came my answer. . . Ask and you shall receive, as they say!

After all that it took me another two weeks to feel up to par physically (And Mentally). I also hadn't played guitar, piano, or sang in a month and a half, so there was getting those things back in shape again. . .

So here we are now - Actually recording the final album and adding more songs as we go. (Woohoo!)
Things sound so good so far. I wish I could let you hear some of it! There is some epic stuff and just good strong songs and musicianship in general. It's not heavy, it's not too mellow. It's just really good music somewhere in the middle where more music lovers reside. It is rock though. A real 70's vibe. It's just us being naturally what we are. Nothing is contrived, or even really conscious about it's direction or sound. Its influences are vast, as is ours individually. Our only conscious decision on it is that we were not gonna follow anyone's sound, or any trend, just be ourselves . . .

We decided to forget the producer and produce the actual record on our own. As a capable producer myself anyway I naturally wanted to produce it ourselves, but then I convinced myself of all the benefits of someone else handling it (Or maybe I was feeling lazy, I don't know). The problem is - anyone who could do a better job than us is out of our budget range anyway, so I was happy that we ultimately decided we didn't need anyone to help achieve our vision but Jimmy and I. The record will now be co-produced by us, just so you know. . . This isn't our first time around y'know?
Of course we'll have someone else Mix it and even someone else Master it. We're not totally stupid!

We just got back to writing and recording, building our momentum and would you believe it? - First Jimmy's system crashes and then yesterday mine does. I hate Computers! I worked in computers for five years and Jimmy is an expert on them, yet here we are! They make nothing that works like it's supposed to anymore! Nothing lasts either, it's maddening! Now we're both waiting on repairs!
Oh how I miss and long for the days of Analogue recording . . . Not the expense, but the experience and the sound. Plus, when shit broke it was the studios problem not yours! Oh well, anyway . . .

We've done a lot of writing since the last post. Most recently, we got two new excellent songs ready to be added to the record list - "The Last Goodbye" and "Holy War", with more on the way you can be sure.

So when will this double album be done and out on CD and 180 gram vinyl?
Before the end of this year!

We hope . . .

We are recording about three double albums worth of material just to make sure that the very best of the best are on the one we put out. There will be several non album singles too (much like the Beatles used to do) at the same time. No one does that anymore. Then again, most people cannot write that much good material. Luckily, we can. We'll have b sides and bonus tracks too for various things here and there. As for the album itself, well, you just can't have too much great material to choose from for it now can you?
At this stage of the game this album is that important. It will not be just another record, it will be a statement!
Step up to the plate and take your best shot! For better or worse, that's what we'll do. Once it's out there you can't take it back! . . . If it doesn't do well, who cares? We made it first for ourselves with the hope that other people will like it too. Anything beyond our own satisfaction is an appreciated bonus . . .

By the way, there will be no Digital Download or Streaming release of the album for the first year of its release. If you want to hear it, you'll have to buy it friends, nothing is free in life and if it is then it isn't worth having. . .

Live shows? Yes, but first things first. . . The album, the demand, then the live show.
We want you to really want to see us, or why bother?
Supply and demand is the state of things there. If you want to see us, we'll come play where you are.
Remember though - We're not a club band. We don't play covers. We're not background noise for dancing or drinking. We are a concert band only. When you come see us it will be because you want to see a show and enjoy some great songs that hopefully you've grown to love off our records. It's because you want to see REAL and great performances of those songs, to be entertained. . .
No demand? No play . . . Hopefully, we'll get to . . .

We'll never be a band that you can see any given week, or month. So when we do announce a show in your area I recommend you go to it if you want to see us. Who knows when the next opportunity will be. . .

Well, that's about all for the moment. I think we're both worn out. Was it as good for you as it was for me? Who needs therapy when you can blog? Worthless and priceless all at the same time . . .

Sorry for the lack of communication lately. For those of you really interested, I promise more updates and postings more consistently from here on out. Yes, I know I've made that promise before and I can't be trusted on that. lol

Thanks for the support, patience and friendship . . .
More than a little long winded, but hey, it has been awhile after all . . .

Take care!

- Bret.


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