Very Productive Week In Studio A . . .
Well unfortunately, I'm sick as a dog . . . again!
I can't believe I caught this a second time in less than a month. Very unusual for me.
We cancelled all meetings and writing sessions this week and we may have to this next week too.
Even so, I've still been getting a lot of work done . . .
I've finally begun the recording process on several songs we had yet to start on;
"The Last Goodbye", "I Wouldn't Change A Thing", "Love Is The Crime" (New version), "Is That All There Is?", "These Are The Good Times", "I Found You", "Unreachable", "It's All About Love" and "Wounded".
This week I'll also get started on "Sweet Surrender".
"The Last Goodbye" ended up needing some major re-arranging because I thought the song was way too long. I ended up writing a new second verse for it. I'm still waiting on Jimmy's approval on it, since after all, he is my partner in this. It is much better though. The original second verse needed to be cut in half and aside from that - Lyrically, it was redundant. The new verse I added in its place takes the song where it needs to go and kind of sums everything up nicely. We'll see what Jimmy thinks. I'll get my way, one way or another! lol
"Love Is The Crime" has already been recorded once, but it ended up being too slow of a tempo. That's why it says - New Version. I've also recorded that song three other times in demo version. The 5th time is the charm. This version is right on the money.
There's at least one other song we already recorded that will also be done again - "There's Only Tonight". The first version ened up too fast. The feel was all wrong.
There's a couple of songs that we'll do alternate versions of just to have different versions, for various yet to be determined things. I can tell you that there will be a more laid back, acoustic and piano version of "Bleed Your Name" - That will be on our acoustic record. It's different than the album version we've done, but it's really cool. The acoustic record will follow directly behind our double album 'Life Happens Here' . . .
Everything is sounding really good. There's still a lot to do on all the other songs we've already been working on for awhile. There are about twenty of those. There are some repairs needed on some things. Some scratch tracks need to still be replaced with their permanent counterpart. Some just need more parts. Period. . .
I've been recording a lot of acoustic guitar, in between severe coughing fits, sneezes, etc.
I can't tell you how many good takes I've ruined!
I've done so many that I eventally got usable takes for everything so far.
I've got more acoustic to do this week, then a lot of electric guitars, more Piano work and some scratch vocals once I feel better. I'll even be working on Saturday.
Being this sick has benefited recording in one sense - Feeling this way, I don't rush the beat.
When I was sick last time, I got absolutely nothing done. This time, I'm powering through it because we got to get this record done. . .
There was a file issue with the latest drum tracks, so Jimmy and Mike are working on that.
I'm not sure how much Jimmy's getting done in his studio, but it's all systems go here around the clock. I just hope I feel better soon. Today I'm worse. I've never been so sick this frequently. I must be getting . . . old.
Talk about getting older - I happend to be driving by a High School this afternoon, with my wife while on our way to get a Mocha (If you must know). School was just getting out and I Said - Holy crap, did they change this to a Grade School!? My wife said no, you're just that old now! lol
Thanks Hon! I swear, all the High Schoolers looked like Grade Schoolers!
I've never thought that before . . .
Well, that's the story for this week.
Check back for the next episode early next week . . .
- Bret.
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