And Begin Again . . .

Well looks I'm alone here for a short while. Jimmy has some things to tend to over the next couple of weeks. Not sure if he'll get time to blog, or not. Life Happens!

I on the other hand decided to forget this past week ever even happened at all and just start again.
This worked out tremendously in putting me back on an even ground with myself.

I did some song writing first of all. Did I tell you that there's a portal in my house where great songs are just beamed to me from the cosmos? Yeah, really! That's what it feels like anyway. I've talked about it a lot on my Facebook page in the past. It's all in good fun. This is where the magic with the songs happen. Every song we have was either started or finished here in my living room. A good 80 to 90% of everything was written here. The songs will not stop coming either, it's like I'm tuned into some cosmic radio station of unwritten hit songs that only I can hear. Jimmy hears it too, he's on fire to write when he's here too. It seems like every time I sit down at the piano, or with a guitar I have to make an effort not to write in order to work on what we already have. This can be a problem since I write in my head most of the time first before I ever get an instrument involved. I write while taking a walk, or running, driving, showering, daydreaming, playing an instrument, watching a movie, watching people, talking to my wife (lol), even sleeping. A lot of our songs were started during such an event.
Of course I've never asked how it happens for Jimmy, I just know he'll come over with a bunch of stuff too and we'll work on them all. I think our record is finishing four songs in one night. I'm not talking about any throwaways either, we don't even finish those. I'm talking about AAA great hit potential songs. It's truly amazing!

So it's always fun and productive to write here. If I ever move from here (And I Will) I hope the portal follows me. The most amazing part of it all for me is something that's a little known fact that very few know about me.

When I first got into music seriously I began writing songs immediately. While everyone else was learning other peoples music, I was writing my own. My first set of lyrics was written when I was 10 years old. I managed to write my first full song at 12 even before learning how to actually play an instrument. It was on an acoustic guitar that was around the house. It was real basic, but I did it. After that I spent years in original bands where I was the primary songwriter - I've written in every style imaginable except for Rap, Hip Hop, Pop (Like Katy Perry, etc.). Then one day it all came to a stop. I had a serious case of writers block that lasted years - not days, weeks or month's, but YEARS!

I thought well, that's it! During this time I would come up with things here and there, but I couldn't finish anything and I thought everything was total crap. I was jaded and would often think - why bother? Who cares anyway? on and on. Then just before coming back to California from Texas where I was living in order to work with Jimmy on this new band, I suddenly began to be able to write again. I moved in here in June 2014 and let me tell you the flood gates opened like never before and hasn't stopped since. It's effortless now. I'm a much better writer now too. I don't take it for granted at all and feel very fortunate that whatever awakened in me did. The best songs of my life I have written since then. Either on my own, or co writing with Jimmy or Andre. Several of the songs going on the album actually got started and then abandoned during my lost dark period as I call it. Once the ability came back I went through everything and grabbed what had potential and we never looked back.
I get a great deal of inspiration from Jimmy's writing. I don't think he's ever had the experience of writers block like I did. I know I influence him a great deal too. We continually inspire each other.
Here I am now. I got my abilities, a great partner, the best wife, a great life and all the potential the future could possibly hold. I'm blessed!

So after doing some writing today, I then worked on some of the recordings - "If These Walls Could Talk", "I Believe In Us" and even a little bit on "Time Is The Enemy".
I'm not gonna let the past week bother me. I'm just gonna do what I know I do best and F*** the rest. I'll worry about certain things later, there's no time for it now. I'm not even sure it matters much in the end.  We'll bring it all together in the final product with our producer. It's his job to worry about those things. I'm not producing this one. We're only co producing it, so I'm good. I have someone else to blame if it doesn't turn out right! Lol

Any way I look at it - This record won't be denied . . .

- Bret.


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