Missing In Action . . .

It's always good to hear from Jimmy. I enjoyed his blog and am glad he got time to add some thoughts. Very well written! Unlike my stream of consciousness daily babble! lol

It is very true - There are a lot of things going on that never get seen. A lot more goes into this all than we could ever blog about. We only reveal a very small part of it all here. There's events in our personal lives. There's deals being negotiated. There's plans being made. Business being handled and a whole lot more going into this record than what gets revealed here. There are highs, lows, problems, breakthroughs and a whole lot of magic happening that goes unseen. I don't know that we could reveal too much. If you lose interest or not is another story and that, I believe is out of our hands. Hopefully you don't!

Regarding the blog itself, Jimmy probably said it best, but it comes down to having a look behind the scenes - Warts and all. A way to include you in the process of our daily progress and to be able to get to know us a little better along the way. To be a part of it and us as I've stated before. It also gives us a forum for our philosophies and views and musings on any number of things related to our lives, business and music. Therapy!

Through this blog you will not only have a front row seat to the making of the album, but any other important news will be shared here also.  Any new developments, deals, tours, etc., will all be posted here. We will only announce things when they are a done deal and the ink is dry. Lack of post' doesn't indicate in any way that nothing is going on. Something is always going on. It just means that we're in the trenches and workin' it. If we keep it light and superficial, then there's a reason. You'll have the story first if you're following along. Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say and there are no overnight successes of any kind. It's our "life's work" as my friend said. Two steps forward, one step back like everyone else. There are certainly great things coming I promise. If you see it here - It's official.

Even though Jimmy is unable to contribute physically to the album for several weeks, we are in constant communication regarding the album and business. He is very involved with what's going on, he's just unable to perform and record at the moment. Like he said, he'll be back at it soon. The record will only benefit from his input and contribution. In the meantime I'm doing fine and working hard for us both. He had to carry the torch for me for about two months at the end of last year, so I am happy to return the favor now.

As far as work goes - I wish I could tell you certain things because some of the business dealings are pretty comical lately, but I'll stick with the record for now - LHH!

The last two days have been very productive in the studio. I'm working on several songs at the moment, as well as various other things. I'm on a roll and magic is happening once again.
Everyday brings everything more into focus. If you only knew and could hear what I can!

Tomorrow I'll give a little more detail on the progress at hand, but for now It's back to work.
Oh yeah, we're open all night! All day too . . .



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