Now That's More Like It . . .

"There's Only Tonight" is done as far as my parts go and it sounds excellent I must say!

I can be such a perfectionist, but at the same time I know - Music shouldn't be absolutely perfect and neither should recording for that matter. Feel is sometimes an over riding factor over technical preciseness. You just want to make sure it's definitely in the ball park of "top notch". Then you can decide what to let slide for feels sake and what not to. These decisions will be made ongoing as we live with these songs and recordings for awhile. It's fluid. Nothing is actually done and written in stone until it's printed on Vinyl and CD and put out there to the public. Then it is what it is . . .

What is perfection anyway!? To me that is just as subjective as anything else.
None the less, everyone can see just how hard we work to reach any kind of personal satisfaction with it. Some come easier and some don't. The hardest thing of all of it is to realize when something is done, that it is great right where it is - or if it needs to go further! Nothing with what we do is harder than that in my opinion.

We don't do anything or ever function in the comfort zone, I don't even know if we would even know how to. We always go the distance to make it right for us first and hopefully in the end you will like it too.

The one thing I can definitely guarantee you is our integrity. The album you will get in the end will be genuine, sincere and as real as you can get from any artist. I absolutely loathe cheating of any kind when it comes to music - Things like auto tune and any other thing in that category I will go to the mat over. Music should always say something and it should always be real. Imperfectly Perfect!

When it's done - stand by it and let everyone else subjectively judge it. . . Ideally, people will simply just enjoy it and relate to the songs.

It's EVERYTHING to us.  To some, a soundtrack to life with relatable experiences and just a record to most everyone else. . .

Anyway, This song (There's Only Tonight) took quite awhile, but I finally nailed the parts and tones. I don't know why I ever doubt myself, but I always do. I fall on my face every day, but I always succeed in the end - That's called never giving up!

Listening to everything we've got recorded so far, I can see the big picture.
When I'm left to my own devices I go through periods of knowing exactly what I'm doing every step of the way, to extreme self doubt almost hourly. Sometimes I got to stop and just listen to what we have so far to realize the truth - It sounds amazing!

We don't have anyone looking over our shoulder when we work. Production decisions have to be made on the fly and you can't be timid about it. We let each other do our own thing and then each add our thoughts, ideas and requests afterwards. Probably the strongest testament to the production so far aside from from the songs is the fact that you can always hear every little thing on the recording, no matter how much stuff is there. Nothing is fighting for frequency space. That alone is one of the strongest traits a good producer can have. knowing what parts and tones will work for a song. It's never about individual musicianship or ideals with us, it's always about the songs themselves period.

That being said, It will be a real good thing to hand off final production duties to someone else in the end. As the creator and artist you get too close, for too long. Too involved in every detail.
It's always easier to produce someone else, rather than yourself.
A qualified new set of ears and skills coming in at the end will be well received and needed.

Ultimately, the final album will be credited as a co-Production of  us and Johnny Lima.
We're doing the bulk of production duties and work ourselves right now. Johnny will come in and deliver the knock out punch!

Now that I've felt really good for a brief moment, it's time to get back to work on other songs and the Ying and Yang of it all! lol

- Bret


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