Monday . . .
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend! I certainly did.

It's confirmed! I nailed the solo section in "Time Is The Enemy". lol
Today I had to make a small repair on it. Three notes in the slide solo section at the end were flat. Guitar had slipped out of tune. Easy fix though and while in the process I decided on some alternate notes all together.
Something about it bugged me even after getting it recorded in tune. All better now.

The rest of the day I spent writing guitar parts for "I Believe In Us". It'll probably take me a couple days to weed through the tones and ideas on it and get it recorded. Great song and this one will remain primarily piano based. I gotta put down a scratch vocal on it. I'm still working on the lyrics and vocal melody a little bit on this one too.

I'm also still working on guitar parts for "If These Walls Could Talk". This song is awesome. There are those that you know without question will make the record, this is one of 'em. The solo on this one will practically write itself, but since I'll be playing piano on this one live as well as on record - Jimmy will be doing the lead on this one. Jamming along to it, I kind of wish it was one of mine, but it's in very capable hands with Jimmy. I know it's gonna be good. When we were writing the song he already had some terrific ideas going for it. Jimmy will also sing this one.

"Time Is The Enemy" is ready for a really great final scratch vocal from me, so we can build the harmony vocals on it and see what we got. I have a reference scratch there, but it needs a close to finished take at this point.

There's plenty of songs already started to work on, but I have been thinking about getting four of the others underway "These Are The Good Times", "Is That All There Is", "I Wouldn't Change A Thing" and "It's All About Love". There's a lot more than that to start, but those ones have been on my mind lately.

We'll see what comes of it this week and the next . . .



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