Life Happened Here!

Friday was a marathon that ended 17 hours after it began. I finally stopped at 6 am this morning.
I told you I never want to stop once I get started!
It a good thing I'm not working in a commercial studio anymore, because I would've spent a fortune by now.
Between James and I - We have logged a lot of hours on this so far.
I can be extremely obsessive about it all, but this just has to be right. Especially this time around.

The song I was working on and will continue working on through the weekend and into Monday is what will be the title track - "Life Happens Here". We had the title and concept for the song waiting for inspiration to strike one of us. One day I sat down at the Piano and out it came. When Jimmy heard it inspiration struck again bringing forth the lyrics & melody.

This will be another one that Jimmy will be singing lead on and like "Bleed Your Name", he's got his work cut out for him performance wise on this, and several others. I'm very glad I didn't select to sing this one myself, because it won't be easy. That's okay because I'll certainly be put to the test vocally on others. I can think of several I'll have to nail, so I feel his anxiety. lol

I love Jimmy's Bass lines and Mike's drums on this!
I'm happy with the Piano and Orchestrations I did also. Jimmy put down a good scratch vocal too.
It all sounds really good and inspiring to me.

This is one of those songs where I heard exactly how the guitars would sound in my head. Though getting them to turn out that way is easier thought than done!

Many hours later and endless amps, guitars, tones and attempts - I had only one part that I heard in my head down! lol
Then magic happened!!

At this point I'm just experimenting and playing to the song over and over, almost ready to give up for the day then boom! Like lightning, A very happy accident that led to some really great parts.  This led to another and another and well, I wasn't stopping now for nothing! I was elated!
 "Someone DOES really like me up there, 'cos they're smiling down on me now!"

In the end, I had all of the parts written except for the main solo. Only now I just couldn't nail the performance I was expecting out of myself. Damn! I guess someone up there said  - "That's it for today pal!"

As I climbed into bed at 6:30 am whilst my wife peacefully slept, I thought to myself - "Well, I'll just have to work through the weekend then". By the end of Monday (Which you know will be Tuesday morning sometime!) I should have this one done and ready to tackle the next.
This song is gonna be great . . .

I'm having the time of my life seeing these songs all come together and becoming something a lot more special and magical than we ever anticipated. They're sure to only get better from here once we do it all again with our producer - Johnny Lima. I'm hoping that he will be both floored and inspired by what we bring forth.

James and I are a great team indeed. . .



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