Some days your the bear....Some days, the bear gets you!
Capturing a moment in a particular cut is often about being able to tap into that thing that inspired you to write the song in the first place. Some days your on fire and on a tear, able to devour the tracks one by one with great ease and precision. Other days, you can't buy a good enough take or find that inspiration. You can't record a take that you feel strongly enough about or find the right inspiration. Yesterday was one such day... Awakening early after a late night feeling as though I had conquered a fitting bass track for "Bleed Your Name"... feeling inspired to play again, I was up and fired up to conquer the song "Not Enough For Love" on acoustic, in playing the song over and over and over, I couldn't find the right tempo if my life had depended on it? So, I am very fortunate that Bret is a master of the studio and can usually overcome any tempo discrepancy and tell me which direction to go... I know if there is anyone on the planet who will know the proper BPM, its Bret. Last night I listened again to the previous tracks getting caught in each of the tracks trying to decide what track I would approach.... Perplexed and growing tired last night, I decided to play a video game and forget about music for the rest of the evening. It was time for some FPS game play that involved no music and only mass video game carnage! So I retired at 3:30 this morning and was up again at 10am, again inspired to play and figure out my next track of attack. Without even a thought, I decided to let the universe choose the track for my session. Today's track popped right in my head and fortunately, there is a drum track for me to play along with. Today will be bass for the "Life Happens Here" track. The bass part needs to have some glue to tie all of the vocal melody and the orchestration & piano together without stepping on any other parts. Bass is the place today... Feeling good and inspired to conquer - I feel like the bear again. Its go time to into moody manner studio to lay down something that will inspire others!

"I have lived my life off the beaten path, left unknown, avoiding life & failed to engage" - Life Happens Here
- Jimmy
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