What Happened Here!?

When I stopped working at 5 am this morning, I  was feeling stressed and burnt out already.
The guitar work on "Life Happens Here" proved to be more difficult than I envisioned.

I decided that everything sounded better double tracked after all, except for the main solo. lol
I wrote a solo for it and eventually got it recorded, though I may go back later and re take it for an even better performance. It's gotten to the point where I don't know what I got anymore with this one.
I think it's good, but it took so much to make work that I'm not sure yet. I'll give it an objective listen while I'm fresh today and also get Jimmy's feedback on it.

He's too kind to me in his post writing, but I feel the same way - There is no one else I'd rather be working with in business and artistic matters than Jimmy. This team is why this is magic. Alone we are strong, but together we are unstoppable. I have been in bands where it was a full democracy between four or five guys and that rarely, if ever works. Actually, it never does. It can be a total nightmare. Power always shifts to the ones who can deliver the songwriting. I spent a long time as a solo artist with a backing band and the problem with that is it can be extremely isolating. Everything is your fault. When it goes great that may be okay, but when it doesn't you can feel pretty lost and trust me - No one will be there to pick you up when you fall. Everyone just looks at you and says what the F!? You ruined it for us! On the other hand, if you pull it off - everyone around you wants equal credit for it!

This situation is ideal. One equal business and creative partner where the personal, business and creative chemistry is outstanding. Does it mean we always agree? Of course not, but we always reach agreement.
This is a rare blessing. When we decided to finally team up after knowing each other since we we're teenagers, some people said oh, that'll never work. You two will clash and are both too strong headed, etc.
I'll admit, neither one of us are probably easy to work with for others. Whenever you put two guys in a room this equally matched across the board, it could be a recipe for disaster, but it really works for us.
It's kind of like what Jimmy said about writing the script himself. . . Hell, I couldn't be happier if I had manufactured this guy myself!

The key here is the chemistry for sure. This was meant to happen and there is a magical story behind it, which will be told eventually. The most important thing is to recognize what you got. We do.
Respect for each other as people, business men, talent and never forgetting this is a "team" is essential.
Anyone else added to it and we'd run the risk of ruining the chemistry. The only one he and I have to convince is each other. With everything we got, that fact only makes it even more focused and on target.

'Walking Tall' is Jimmy "Vegas" Tuttle and Bret Santti. This sometimes confuses people and they think - then there's no band? Well yes, there is for touring. With some of the nicest and most talented guys you'll ever meet, who have other projects of their own also. On an album, the only thing Jimmy and I need is a Drummer. We can do literally everything else ourselves. I say, if you can do it, then why not? That's not to say that we don't like working with other people, because we do. It's just that no one else will ever be as big a part of this as we are, except our audience.
Live we are able to pick and choose whatever part we want to play (This is cool). This makes it more interesting for our audience too. Musicians can be the most unreliable of all people, so if you find two who are on the same page - then run with it. It worked for Hall & Oats. It's worked for a lot of bands that you may not have known were run completely by only two of its members - The Eagles, Kiss, etc.

In any case, this is what works for us. No offense to anyone else who does it differently.
It's been well over a year and the naysayers are still wrong. I'm very fortunate that the other half of this is Jimmy and I wouldn't have it any other way . . .

Now as I finally start to wake completely up, it's time to get back to work. There's so much to do. It can be overwhelming, but nothing is more fun either. I don't know what song I'll work on today, we'll have to see.

I hope our readers are having a wonderful week for far and are at least mildly entertained by our ramblings, if nothing else. Hopefully you are getting to know us and seeing what goes into all of this in our world. Hopefully you will enjoy taking this journey through the making of the "Life Happens Here" album and most importantly - We sincerely hope that you feel a part of it and us, because to us - You are. We truly appreciate the support. Thank each and every one of you!!!



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